Demons are malevolent paranormal beings from the Unholy Realm. They occasionally find their way to Earth to perform human sacrifices, hiding themselves by possessing other humans or animals.
Demons can exist for many centuries. It is not known what most demons look like in their true forms, but when they possess humans their skin becomes pale and veiny, their teeth becomes sharp and their voice becomes that of the demon itself. Possessing any being will cause their eyes to glow bright yellow.[1]
The only demon whose true appearance has been shown so far is Satan, leader of all demons. He appears mostly humanoid but with red skin and goat-like horns and legs.[2]
Demonic entities are capable of walking on walls or ceilings, levitating objects and turning the possessed subject’s head around 360 degrees. Their strength and agility is significantly increased. They may also projectile vomit acid and are highly aggressive in nature, often insulting those around them. These strange behaviours may cause other humans to assume a possessed person is drunk. Demonic entities are often associated with the pentagram symbol.
Demons can be removed from a subject through exorcism. This involves carrying objects such as crosses or bibles while chanting “the power of Christ compels you” three times.[1]
In 1885, a demon named Bazu'aal possessed a woman in Wellington, performing a human sacrifice, and was subsequently arrested by police. On 17 November 1951, he possessed a man, spewing gallons of sulfuric acid and performing another human sacrifice, before again being arrested. In 2018, he caused havoc again in Wellington by possessing three members of a family, a dog and a tramp before trying to use Minogue as a human sacrifice. He was rescued when O’Leary successfully performed an exorcism on Bazu'ual.[1]
On Christmas Eve 2019, Minogue and O’Leary investigated Tawa Mall after Satan was accidentally hired to be a mall Santa due to a typo on a job advert sent via fax machine. The officers questioned Satan, who claimed that he intended to stay in the mall grotto as a new realm to rule over. He was eventually persuaded to leave.[2]
Known demonic entities[]
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 Yates, Paul (writer) & Clement, Jemaine (writer & director) (11 July 2018). "Demon Girl". Wellington Paranormal. Episode 1. TVNZ 2.
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 Yates, Paul (writer) & Hewison, Dean (director) (19 December 2019). "Christmas Special". Wellington Paranormal. Episode 13. TVNZ 2.